
  • Free Artwork!

    Our team of artists will design your pin for free

  • Free Quote!

    Call us today and let us quote your custom pin for free!

  • 86-134-32103277


How to Order
Step 1:Decide how you want your pin to look
 What will your pin look like? You probably have an idea what artwork you want, but maybe you need help on the wording or set-up. We are here to help you with adding different ideas. Our art service is FREE, and will help you to design a pin with the look you are wanting.
Step 2:Send your Artwork to us
 You can do this any way you like. E-mail, snail-mail, fax or a scanned image. We can work with almost all imaging formats.
Step 3:Pick your pin finish and options
 We offer 5 different pin metals and a number of options. Options such as color, clear epoxy coating, numbering and more. Please look at the pricing page for costs of options.

Please fill out the form below for general questions. Thank you.
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  • Name :
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  • Content :
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